Bearded dragons have long been one of the most popular reptiles to keep as pets. Not only are the Australian natives famous for their curious nature and adorably human like qualities, but they make great pets for beginner pet owners. According to, bearded dragons have large personalities, each unique to the individual lizard, but are generally considered to be calm in demeanor.
With the right treatment and a good understanding of your dragon’s needs, your dragon can become bonded with you for life — much like a pet cat or dog. Keep reading to find out some of the best methods for bonding with your “beardie”.
Human Contact with Bearded Dragons
Upon first getting your bearded dragon, you’ll want to make sure it feels comfortable and safe with you. Gently take your beardie out of it’s terrarium and interact with it. You can let it roam around in a controlled environment, or you can simply hold it and stroke the beardie’s belly or underneath it’s chin. Pay close attention to your beardie’s comfort level. If it attempts to squirm out of your grasp as soon as you pick it up, set it back down and try again in an hour or so. This way, the beardie will begin to associate you with pleasure rather than that initial fear. recommends that you interact with your beardie at least one hour everyday in order to make sure it feels reassured in your presence.
Go on a Walk with your Beardie
Beardies love any chance they have to explore, and what better place to explore then on a walk in the great outdoors? Much like when handling your beardie indoors, you always want to asses your lizard’s comfort level when taking it outside. It may feel stressed and confused at first in such a new environment. To get it used to being outside, try taking your lizard out in short intervals until it becomes more comfortable.
Make sure to find a harness that is comfortable and fits snugly but not too tight. You can find small reptile harnesses at any pet store and online at Check the temperature before taking your beardie outside — anything between 80 to 95 degrees is typically considered safe for your bearded dragon.
Hand feed your Bearded Dragon
Hand feeding your bearded dragon is another great way to get your lizard to trust you. In doing so, you teach your dragon that hands are a source of happiness and not stress. Try hand feeding them treats such as arugula or fruit.
Make sure not to go overboard, however. Your dragon might forget to eat on its own time if you hand feed it every meal.
Bonding with your bearded dragon may seem like a daunting task at first, but it doesn’t have to be! The most important thing to keep in mind during the bonding process is that patience is key. Even if your beardie seems aggressive or stressed out around you at first, don’t get discouraged. As long as you give it time and make a genuine effort to spend regular time with your beardie, results are sure to follow.