There are a huge number of animal species that are found in the forest. Here is a forest animals list that are common as well as rare.
There are many animals that live in the forest and one can find species that are never seen in a zoo. The animals and birds live in their natural environment and some of them fall under the endangered species list due to indiscriminate hunting and poaching. Most of the animals found on earth are wild animals whose natural habitat is the forest.
All animals however do not live in the same type of forests, some live exclusively in rainforests while others are found in deciduous forests, temperate hardwood forest, boreal or taiga forests and tropical dry forests. Here we will give you a list of forest animals.
List of Forest Animals
Herbivorous Mammals
- Antelope
- Gazelle
- Rhinocero
- Deer
- Waterbuck
- Reedbuck
- Nyal
- Gerbil
- Zebra
- Bongo
- Cape Buffalo
- Giant Panda
- Bontebok
- Giraffe
- Mandrill
- Oribi
- Warthog
- Elephant
- Okapi
- Bush Pig
- Addax
Carnivorous Mammals
- Ocelot
- Tiger
- Fossa
- Hyena
- Coyote
- Mongoose
- Cheetah
- Lion
- Leopard
- Fox
- Jackal
- Servil
- Badger
- Jaguar
- GiantArmadillo
- Alpaca Anteater
- Giant River Otter
Omnivorous Mammals
- Porcupine
- Tamarin Lion
- Hedgehog
- Forest Hog
- Squirrel
- Wild Cat
- Meerkat
- Hare
- Otter
- Capybara
- Bear
- Gorilla
- Chameleons
- Monitor Lizard
- Caiman
- Iguana
- Crocodile
- Rainbow Lizard
- Skink
- Komodo Dragon
- Snakes
- Gecko
- Grasshopers
- Bees
- Beetles
- Leaf-Cutter Ant
- Happy face Spider
- Caterpillars
- Butterflies
- Dragonfly
- Praying Mantis
- Tree Frog
- Glass Frog
- Poison Arrow Frog
- Golden Toad
- Dart Frog
- Poison Arrow Frog
- Strawberry Poisoned Dart Frog
- Monkey Frog
- Salamander
- Sandpiper
- Northern Pygmy Owl
- Hummingbird
- Hooded Oriole
- Woodpecker
- Scarlet Macaw
- Hoopoe Malachite
- Black-Backed Grosbeak
- Paradise Tanager
- Hooded Vulture
- Prairie Falcon
- Mountain Bluebird
- Golden Eagle
- Violet-green Swallow
- Greater White-fronted Goose
- Snowy Egret
- White Pelican
- Great Blue Heron
- Green Heron
- Purple Martin
- Wood Duck
- Red-shouldered Hawk
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
- Black-headed Heron
- Swallow-Tailed Kite
- Long-Tailed Sylph
- Great Horned Owl
- Sunbird
- Parrots
- Kingfisher
- Western Meadowlark
- White-Throated Swift
- Cuckoo
- Mockingbird
Monkeys and Primates
- Howler Monkey
- Spider Monkey
- Capuchin
- Pygmy Marmoset
- Sloth
- Gorilla
- Lemur
- Squirrel Monkey
- Aye-Aye
- Woolly Monkey
- White faced Monkey
- Gibbon
Endangered Animals
Endangered Forest Animals List
Here is an endangered forest animals list.
- Bactrian Camel
- Bandicoot
- Bahamas Rock Iguana
- Bale Monkey
- Owl Faced Monkey
- Ostrich
- Ouachita Burrowing Crayfish
- Geometric Tortoise
- Galapagos Land Snail
- Salta Toad
- Saltwater Crocodile
- Samoan Tree Snail
- Samoan Flying Fox
- Sambar Deer
- Salvin’s Salamander
- San Diego Fairy Shrimp
- Uzungwe Toad
- Utah Prairie Dog
- Usambara Banana Frog
- Zug’s Robber Frog
- Zhou’s Box Turtle
- Zapahuira Water Frog
- Zambian Mole Rat
- Zacate Blanco Treefrog
- Yunnan Flying Frog
- Yiwu Salamander
- Yellowtail Flounder
- Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey
- Yellow-spotted Salamander
- Yellow-margined Box Turtle
- Yellow-legged Climbing Salamander
- White-lipped Deer
- Yellow River Frog
- Yarey Robber Frog
- Warty Asian Tree Toad
- Visayan Deer
- Visayan Warty Pig
- Volcan Tacana Toad
- Yamur Lake Grunter
- Yalobusha Riverlet Crayfish
- Western Bearded Pig
- Yap Flying Fox
- Wyoming Toad
- Volcano Rabbit
- Wrinkled Madagascar Frog
- Wutai Crab
- Wreathed Cactus Snail
- Wood Turtle
- Wolverine
- Wondiwoi Tree Kangaroo
- Wild Goat
- Whitehead’s Spiny Rat
- White-tipped Tuft-tailed Rat
- White-tailed Mouse
- White-cheeked Spider Monkey
- Water Frog Wang’s Crab
- Wild Yak White-tailed Deer
- White-spotted Madagascar Frog
- Visayan Warty Pig
- Vietnam Crocodile Newt
- Vanikoro Flying Fox
- Unicolored Oldfield Mouse
- Ubatuba Dwarf Frog
- Turkana Mud Turtle
- Tufted Deer
- Tulotoma Snail
- Tumbala Climbing Rat
- Tufted Gray Langur
- Tufted Ground Squirrel
- Tree Hole Crab
- Travancore Flying Squirrel
- Toothless Blindcat Timor
- Yellow Tiger
- Tiger Chameleon
- Tiger Tail Seahorse
- Telescope Hornsnail
- Tibetan Antelope
- Three-striped Roof Turtle
- Thomas’s Langur
- Tennessee Pebblesnail
- Tehuantepec Jackrabbit
- Swamp Deer
- Painted Tree Rat
- Palau Flying Fox
- Pacific Pond Turtle
- La Palma Giant Lizard
- Kinabalu Asian Toad
- Juliana’s Golden Mole
- Jagged-shelled Turtle
- Ivory Coast Frog
- Indian Giant Squirrel
- Sulcata Tortoise
- Dhole
- Gazelle
- Florida Panther
- Gray Wolf
- Grizzly Bear
- Koala Bears
- Kinkajou
- Kangaroo Rat
- Lynx
- Numbat
- Oryx
- Okapi
- Snow Leopard
- Siberian Tiger
- Red Wolf
- Tasmanian Devil
- White Rhinoceros
- Wallaby
- Yak
- Zorro
Endangered Birds
List of endangered birds that inhabit the forest in handful number –
- Zamboanga Bulbul
- Wilson’s Bird-of-paradise
- Yemen Thrush
- Wrinkled Hornbill
- California Condor
- Yellowish Imperial Pigeon
- Northern Spotted Owl
- Yellow-throated Hanging-parrot
- Wood Stork
- Yellow-shouldered Blackbird
- Prairie Chicken
- Lilian’s Lovebird
- Firethroat
- Yellow-legged Pigeon
- White-winged Collared Dove
- Yellow-eyed Starling
- Relict Gull
- Western Spotted Owl
- Himalayan Quail
- Marbled Murrelet
- Yellow-crowned Parakeet
- Kakapo
- Yellow-Crested Cockatoo
- Hawaiian Goose
- White-winged Wood Duck
- Purple Eagle
- Diamond Firetail
- Brown-winged Kingfisher
This was a list of forest animals and birds. More and more animals and birds of the forest are falling under the endangered animals list due to deforestation and poaching. Human encroachment on their habitat and indiscriminate poaching of endangered animals and birds can lead to their extinction. So we should be fully aware of the environment and do all that we can to preserve our environment and protect these forest birds and animals.